We give full refund if your school doesnot accept your PSI insurance

University of South Carolina, Columbia

J1 Exchange Visitor Scholar


Platinum Plan

$500 deductible
View Brochure
$500 deductible
View Brochure
  • Unlimited Maximum & Lifetime Benefit
  • Coinsurance: 80% In-Network
  • Hospitalization, In/Outpatient Benefits
  • Preventive Care, GYN exams, Vaccines
  • Prescription Drugs $20 copay/$40 copay/ 60%
  • No Limits on Pre-Ex Conditions for Students
  • Mental Health Benefit
  • Alcohol and Substance Abuse
  • Maternity Care Benefits
  • Out-of-Pocket Max $6,350/year
  • Pediatric Dental & Vision
  • No Copays/Deductible at SHC
  • Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
PSI gathered this information as a resource for students, and this does not intend to imply a relationship between your school and our website, or company. Our plans simply offer an alternative to the university's student health insurance plan.

Frequently Asked Questions
